Monday, November 10, 2008

Hasty Update

Ahh! I took a five month break. Lazy, bad posting slacker! I have no excuse, really. Except, well, I moved to Surrey, had to file a complaint regarding unpaid wages from that Buffet job I got (resolution still in progress), learned the wonders of living close to the skytrain and Vancouver, signed up to be an Extra in films and television (best job I've ever had!), met an aspiring screenwriter (now aspiring novelist), joined a choir called Maple Leaf Singers until I realized I had neither the money nor the Monday nights to make it work, helped kitten-sit our household cat's unplanned litter (two left to go to homes next week and one we're keeping), moved into the back suite of the place where my friends and I are living when the side suite we were renting lost it's plumbing, joined a temp agency when my Extras gigs were getting slow, and...pitched Drescopata at the Surrey Writer's Conference!
As usual, waiting to here back, so I can't start counting my e-mails before they hatch,, she asked for the first fifty pages and now she just has to like it! Conference definitely is the closest I've gotten to getting a literary agent so far. If this one doesn't come through, I'll definitely go again next year.
As an Extra (love that job!) I've so far been a lesbian at a charity dance, a tourist at an amusement park, a protesting fanatic, and a nun. In temp work (NOT head-over-heels with that job!) I've been cleaning flood and/or fire damaged furniture. Word of advice: don't damage your furniture in fires and floods. It's just not pretty. Ah, there I segwayed into the theme word for my second Drescopata book. I've decided to put more time into that and less into scrambling to complete short stories for contests and magazines. I have enough of those now I can just keep sending them out, while my poor neglected novel gets the tender loving care it's been begging me for.
Merry Christmas, in case I don't post again before then. Happy New Year!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

New Month Babble

Happy new month!  I love and hate them the day they start.  Fun to change stuff like the monthly collages on this blog (which, by the way, are all from a family-photos themed calendar I put together years ago). Scary to feel a whole month closer to deadlines, or notice my 
savings are a whole rent payment lower.
Then there's the evaluation I inevitabley put myself through: did I get enough done last month? Well, I finished my Queen Cor lines!  Check it out—  Little worried about recording my next project, because the house sounds like there's squirrels in the walls.  Bad background noise.  But sooner or later, I'll catch those critters at rest.
Band news starting to fill my big, gaping music void.  Song to learn!
Oh, and job, yes.  Might have one now.  Buffet's supposed to call me.  Also looking into greeting card writing.  It can't be harder than trying to get a novel published, and I'm already doing that.
What I love about the first of the month is initiating all my new plans.  I make monthly lists of research, writing, life stuff to get done and whenever I start a new one, anything seems possible. 
If perchance there is someone here who reads this, know I plan to open a new blog in June—one that allows visitor comments without registration.
Meanwhile, it's: learn to rock sing, to write "sparkling" thank-yous and get-wells, to negotiate with squirrels, and to deliver a contest-winning short story about an incorporeal girl.  And I'm proofreading my mom's novella.  Helping my friend convert it to youtube.  Thanks for the employment!
Have a good May:-)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Public Diary

Okay, so this is more like my public diary.  Thanks to everyone who commented and thanks for dropping by just to look around too!  I am open to suggestions on how to make the best use of this online form of expression which I'm still learning so much about.  Actually, I've been wondering if I chose the wrong spot.  There are other blogs that allow visitors to comment without having an account first.  Anyone think that's a good idea?  Or is it not really a major factor in why people don't comment?  I'm just as happy with e-mail, by the way.  And thanks to those who did that too.  Should the whim take you, you can contact me quite conveniently through my website (

So, in public diary news: I got my first reading part at Librivox.  Voice of Queen Cor in Frank Baum's Rinkitink of Oz.  I'm increasingly grateful that the Oz books are in the public domain and that Librivox hasn't recorded them all yet. It was sweet listening to other readers' finished lines calling me
"your majesty," quailing or grumbling before me as earnestly as though I were there.  Come to think of it, it's like a bluescreen; actors having to react to things that will be added in later.  I know it'll be amazing, when the book is finished, listening to my part playing off the others'.
Reading Me is very happy.  Singing Me: still feeling deprived.  I miss you, Bel Canto!  Why, why, why are all the best new opportunities in Vancouver?!  Too much travel, too much stress, too much...which brings me to money.  Money-Obsessed Me is happy because she might be getting a new job soon.
Waiting to hear back.
The waiting game goes on for me the writer, as well.  So, "hopeful."  Writing Me is hopeful.  Man, if I didn't have so many of me, I don't know what I'd do.
Practical Me's off to Canadian Tire now to buy a skipping rope.  I've decided that between that and my badminton set, I'm covered for recreational exercise.  Oh, and my friends have finally started playing badminton with me!  And helping me make fruit slushies in my vitamix.  Social Me happy:-)

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Some Quick Q & A

Here's just a little more about me.  Answers from a chain letter I took the time to fill out:

1. What is your occupation? Starving Artist.
2. What color are your socks right now? White.
3. What are you listening to right now? Shania Twain.
> oops, lost 4, seems to be a formatting error since there's no 4 in
> the original
5. Can you drive a stick shift? No.
6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Purple.
7. Last person you spoke to on the phone? ING Direct Associate.
8. What color is your car? Camouflaged. Blends in everywhere and you can even walk through it like air; no one knows I have it.
9. How old are you today? 20.
10. Favorite drink? Freckled lemonade.
11. Favorite sport to watch? The kind where they don't complain if you bring a book and use it to ignore them.
12. Have you ever dyed your hair? No.
13. Pets? Cat--not mine.
14. Favorite food? Pumpkin pie.
15. Last movie you watched? Blood and Chocolate.
16. What do you do to vent anger? Write vengeful fiction.
17. Favorite Day of the year? Day I get an agent. It will become my annually remembered national holiday.
18. What was your favorite toy as a child? Friend--green beanbag monster.
19. What is your favorite, fall or spring? Spring.
20. Hugs or kisses? Hugs.
21. Cherry or Blueberry? Blueberry.
22. Do you want your friends to mail you back? Constantly.
23. Current living arrangements? Renting house with two friends and two wer-hyenas.
24. When was the last time you cried? Three months ago--homesick.
25. What is on the floor of your closet? A scale, black shoes, my old pillow, my fancy leather handbag and my laptop backpack.
31. What inspires you? People, books and my subconscious mind.
32. What are you afraid of? Giving up.
33. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? Vegetarian.
34. Favorite car? My own very special non-existent one, of course.
35. Favorite cat breed? Non-vomiting.
37. How many years at your current job? You mean pertaining to question #1? Let's see: Animorph Ending, Drescopata, one, two--about three years.
38. Favorite day of the week? Saturday.
39. How many states have you lived in? None. Ooo, that must mean I live in outer space, right?
40. How many piercing? Not even the ears.
41. How many tattoos? None.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Welcome, welcome, one and all.  "One" being the hopes that someone shows up to greet day one of my blog!  I have no idea how popular these things really are or if there's anyone who might want to talk to me this way.  So, hailing on all frequencies...
Any writers out there?  Readers?  Dreamers?  I'll try to get us started on some discussions, some rants, whatever sparks good dialogue.
Who am I?  Well, a few people might know me as the author of a certain Alternative Animorphs Ending (  Or as the daughter of Lynda Williams, published author of the Okal Rel Universe (  Failing that, I guess I'm your everyday starving artist.  Not literally.  Actually, I'm more of a shivering artist lately,
because our furnace broke.
I've had a wonderful week as a writer.  An agent asked to see the first three chapters of my novel, Coffee News started publishing my poetry and I unsubscribed from "Go Freelance!" Between jobs at the moment and trying to find a way to make extra cash, I started sifting through freelance job e-mails I've been saving for months.  It wasn't until I seriously considered applying for one that I realized this particular job resource is a money-sucking black hole of doom.  Checked on Preditors & Editors: "Charges Fees.  Not Recommended."  I should have checked there in the first place.  Anyway, I believe in giving people chances and I was going to use the contact form on the Freelance Work Exchange site to politely state my concerns and request reassurance.  But when I got to the bottom of the form, they wanted a password.  To get a password you have to join them.  To join them?  You guessed it: $$$!
Feeling slightly jipped that I wrote them this letter for nothing, I thought I'd post it on my blog.  Maybe someone who needs to will see it after all:

"Become a Gold Member for just $2.95," but then it goes to "Payment Options: $3.16(CAD) for 7 days (trial) then $42.77(CAD) recurring every 30 days." To the best of my knowledge, Freelance is a job resource on the internet. I haven't encountered any before that insist you pay over $500 a year for the privilege of seeing them. Moreover, I am already seeing the jobs you send me by e-mail. Every piece of information about a job except how to apply. Yeah, I know; apply by joining Freelance. Is that all you withhold until I start paying? The means to contact an employer? If they really are looking to hire freelance writers, why would they want to screen by who is and is not willing to pay you money? What about that could possibly qualify a person more or less to apply for any job?
As I assume I have made clear, I am very skeptical. I would appreciate any clarification you could offer.