Sunday, February 15, 2009

Raindrops on Roses

Warning: there have been pre-theme posts. That's right. This is now my happy blog. Run while you can if those morning dewdrops look like soggy, damp roses to you. Glorious Mud at is for my muddier what's-wrong-with-life sarcasm (such as my first post here about freelance scams). This way, my online presence is well balanced, so...
Whiskers on kittens. "Misser Mischeif" — as I call him to his cute little whiskered face, "Moon Cat" as he's known to my housemates — has been fixed. He's being a pretty good sport about the cone-collar he has to wear around his neck. It reminds me so much of the bulky retainers some kids get stuck with. When Misser Mischeif is not trying to get his off, he's very cuddly, rubbing his poor coned-off head against my face, touching his nose to mine, and purring at the top of his lungs whether I choose to pet, hold, or tolerate him. He either really enjoys my company, or figures I'm the weak link for violating his vet orders out of sympathy.
Bright copper kettles. Hey, I love our plain plastic kettle! Unless you're crazy about shiny things, I think the real sentiment behind must be the joy of hot water.
Warm woolen mittens. It's not winter here (ha-ha, Prince George;-)
Brown paper packages tied up with strings. Ah, now these always could be anyone's favourite thing. What would be in mine? Well, the obvious answer is my free copy of my published novel. In the meantime: food, always a good thing. And I like soap. You know, I once dreamed that I was rich enough to own a limosine and guess what my clueless dream self did with it? Hired a guy to drive her back and forth to PriceSmart so she could buy cheap, bare-minimum groceries!

I finally found a joke I liked in my e-mail this morning:
A photographer, a journalist and an editor rub a magic lamp together. The genie says he'll grant them each one wish. The photographer wishes to spend the rest of his life in a big house far away with no money problems. The journalist wishes to live in a yacht far away with no money problems. The genie grants both their wishes and asks for the editor's wish. The editor says: "I want them both back after lunch; we have a deadline."